Legendary Habitat LLC Welcomes You
~Helping hunters get the most out of God's creation~

27 Acre Family Farm
All pictures taken on our Family Farm in Manistee County
Converting Old Ag Field Into Early Successional Bedding
September 2021
With this project, I am taking a old ag field that has not been farmed in 40 years or more and creating quality whitetail bedding and food. I am in the process of planting hundreds of trees and shrubs which include; Silver maple, red maple, american beech, box elder, red osher dogwood, flowering dogwood, smooth sumac, hazelnut, ash, red oak, white oak, swamp chestnut oak, choke cherry, and American elm to name a few. This area will be sprayed in the spring to control the perennial grasses, and planted with pockets of switchgrass. There will also be two layers of screening added to the surrounding area of this valley, which consists of conifers, and an annual sorghum screen.
Hinge Cut Transition From Bedding To Food
June 2021
This area on our farm is a low spot with Reed Canary Grass, Bigtooth Aspen, and Streamco Willow. My plan that I have started to implement is to hinge cut or traditionally fell 90% of the trees and let most fall into the grass, giving it structure to fall on when it dies in the winter. This will create great bedding and great side cover for this transition area. Most of the Aspen will be cut during winter, when the tree is dormant and the energy is stored in the root system. In the spring all the stored energy from the root system will create hundreds of new shoots, creating food and cover at a deer's level.

Using Cover Crops To Build Poor Soil
June 2021
Over the last two years I have began to use and try different cover crops on our farm in southern Michigan, and our family farm in northern Michigan. Through many years of planting food plots, and diving further into soil health and cover crops, I have learned the most through my failures. As I continue to experiment with cover crops and building healthy soil, I hope to share this knowledge with my current and future clients, helping them save time, money, while creating very successful food plots.
If you would like help designing food plots, building better soil, or knowing what to plant, feel free to contact me with any question's.
I am also a Vitalize Seed distributor based in southeast Michigan. Call myself or visit Vitalizeseed.com to learn more about the food plot seed they offer, or to create your own custom mix.